Forrest The Baker image

Forrest The Baker

75 Uxbridge Road, Shepherd's Bush, London, W12 8NR
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020 8743 2675
Review Rating

8 / 10 from 1 review
Nearest Station
Shepherd's Bush Market 0.24 miles away

Nearby Similar Businesses

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65 Uxbridge Road, Shepherd's Bush, London, W12 8NR

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280 Uxbridge Road, Shepherd's Bush, London, W12 7JA

Forrest The Baker sell a variety freshly baked bread, cakes and pastries as well as chilled drinks and crisps.

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User Reviews

from Shepherds bush

May 9, 2012

This place isnt posh (go to Hammersmith grove or Paul for that) but forest sells some of the nicest white, brown, whole, rye bread I have ever had and for decent prices. Go there before 1pm though, Selection of their specialised loafs are sparse after that.

Name: Dan
Location: Shepherds bush
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