Lee & Helen Nails

Nail Salon at 26 Southbury Road
Lee & Helen Nails image

4 / 10 from 3 reviews
26 Southbury Road
Enfield Town
020 8362 1361
Enfield Town
Nearest Station
Enfield Town
0.23 miles
Nail Salons
Opening Times
Monday Open 09:00 - Closes 20:00
Tuesday Open 09:00 - Closes 20:00
Wednesday Open 09:00 - Closes 20:00
Thursday Open 09:00 - Closes 20:00
Friday Open 09:00 - Closes 20:00
Saturday Open 09:00 - Closes 20:00
Sunday Open 10:00 - Closes 16:00

User Reviews


Dec 10, 2021

Very happy with my nails and good service.thanks lee and helen nails.

Mar 8, 2020

Had terrible customer service here on Saturday. Very poor shop! If you live local, I would suggest going into ENFIELD TOWN to get nails done, rather than lee & helens. None of my friends come here anymore, and after the other day - will never be returning myself. WORST NAIL SHOP IN ENFIELD.
from Hertfordshire

Sep 23, 2019

My 16 year old sister regularly travels the half hour journey from our home to Enfield by herself just for these nails. On Saturday, she made this journey again and found that the acrylic nails that she comes for have been replaced by gel powder which is ‘much stronger’ (as well as £5 more expensive). The next day, a Sunday on which she did nothing but relax, two of them broke and one cracked. Speaking to other beauticians, my mum has discovered that it is commonly known that gel powder is much worse quality than acrylic, so my sister was overcharged and lied to and given a worse product. When my mum called them to try to resolve this, they acted incredibly rude, speaking over my mum and consistently saying ‘listen to me’ in a patronising and disrespectful way. They outrightly refused to refund the payment and continued to lie about the quality of their product. An absolutely disgraceful business that my family will never use again and I hope nobody else will waste their money
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