Keeping Your New Year’s Resolutions

Read our article with tips and advice on how to keep your resolutions this New Year.

London Focus

So you’ve survived the silly season. You bargain shopped at the post-Christmas sales, you’re back on speaking terms with your family and your work mates have stopped ribbing you about that unfortunate incident with your boss. With the new year in sight, you’ve been planning your New Year’s Eve, juggling invitations, and hoping that this year’s party will be better than last’s.

When the clock climes midnight, most of us will make some type of New Year’s resolution, fuelled by some bubbly and the euphoria of the moment. The passing of one year to the next only occurs once a year, so why not celebrate. The revellers among us will come up with some of the tried and true resolutions, those that make the following top ten list. Others armed with a bottle of vintage bubbles, pen and paper, will scribe their reflections into the night.

Such heady optimism rarely translates into reality. Our resolutions are often forgotten or dismissed as too hard in the light of New Year’s Day. So if you want to get over the 02 January hump, here are some suggestions that will take your resolutions well into the New Year.

1) Stop smoking.

Not that we want to burst your bubble but it takes most people several attempts to give up smoking before they break the habit. Call the NHS Smoking Helpline on 0800 169 0 169. Book into a stop smoking group to find the best ways of quitting whether it be patches, cold turkey, hypnotherapy or acupuncture; visit:

2) Get fitter.

Around £200m is wasted each year in unused gym memberships. So set a fitness goal that is realistic. If keeping motivated is your stumbling block, get a personal trainer to put you through your paces,, or try the combat zone for some hard-edged fitness by enlisting in boot camp, Wanting a softer approach? Enrol in the latest dance craze Bollywood dance,, or join the Ramblers and discover the waterside walks of London,

Alternatively see All In London's Health Club and Gym section.\n\n3) Eat better.

Empty your fridge of pre-packaged and fast food and head off to your local farmers market,

Indulge in some handmade pasta, organic fruit and vegetables and some artisan breads. Go on a gastro tour with Celia Brooks Brown around Borough Market,, or enrol in a cooking class at Books for Cooks and browse the store afterwards, For the guys, Cooking for Blokes will turn you into a Jamie Oliver. This is workshop covers mid week quick and nutritious foods through to gourmet dinner soiree foods including classic sauce making techniques.

For additional information on eating and living healthily in the capital see All In London's article here: Living Healthily in London

4) Get organised.

Resist the urge to procrastinate. Consult an expert to organise everything from your shoes to your life. Has your desk disappeared under a mountain of paperwork? Is your wardrobe in need of a good detox? No More Clutter will clear you a path way into the New Year, If time management sounds appeals, then tackle your diary with the seven habits of highly effectual people to prioritise all other New Year resolutions

5) Do something different.

Grab yourself a guidebook and become a tourist for the day. Rediscover your hometown on a double-decker bus and take a boat down the Thames or wait in line for the London Eye. Join one of London’s famous walks to discover Shakespeare’s London or the Ghosts of the West End.

Click to see the various London attractions and London sight-seeing tours available.

Looking for a muse, your local writers circle could provide you with the literary aspirations you’re looking for or become a member of the Victoria and Albert Museum for invitations to exhibition openings and lectures.

6) Change career.

With over 80% of us ending up in the wrong job, it’s no surprise that a career change is often on the wish list for the New Year. It’s never too late to do a career change and many of us will do more than one leap in our working life. Book yourself into a career development course or All In London's Job Section and use the Perfect Job Generator to start your career rethink.

Then find yourself a coach, They’ll help you identify what you want from your career, and how and where you want to work. \n\n7) Find a significant other.

So you missed out on a mistletoe kiss and 2007 is looking like a single year: don’t panic. Ask a friend to write you a review and place it on mysinglefriend. If you prefer a more traditional cupid, then enrol in one of Sotheby’s evening wine courses. Not only will you learn the difference between your Chablis and Chardonnay, you never know who you’ll meet. Check out the London Review of Books classifieds for the most hilarious personals you’re ever likely to read,

In addition, see the social/ dating section All In London What's On Guide.

8) Help others.

Looking for that feel good factor as you head into 2007? Go online to TimeBank to find a charity that is looking for volunteers. Become a mentor for the young homeless and ex-homeless people, or take a elderly person to afternoon tea once a month,

9) Get out of debt.

Cutting up your debt card may seem a bit radical but consolidating your debt is the first step to financial recovery. Contact the Citizens Advise Bureau for information on free financial services, The Motley Fool independent website gives all the information you need to compare credit cards, loans and mortgages It’s like having your own financial adviser.

10) Smile more

In the need of a laugh? Laughter is the best medicine and laugh therapy could be just the thing to celebrate 2007. Not only does laughter produce those wonderful endorphins, it’s good for our blood pressure and immune system. With over 5000 laughter clubs around the world, this is a great way to de-stress, throw off our adult cynicism and giggle like a child, Catch a performance at a comedy venue - see All In London's comedy listings - or sign up for a clown class and join the circus

Write your resolutions down, tell your friends. Make the commitment and have a plan. Who knows, this year could be the year that you actually keep them.

Happy New Year!

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