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ORIGINAL: kleinheidelberg

So in my opinion, people who are veggies but eat meat when they're invited in ordner not to be impolite aren't real veggies as well!

Yea, but i am not very strict vegetarian, it is honestly only because i dont like the taste of meat and no other reason...
So i am not going to turn something down somebody has cooked me just because "I dont like it".. that why..
99.9% i dont eat meat..
SO i guess i am a meat eater who dosnt eat meat..
Posted: 2009-11-08 23:13:07
krunchie frog

main reason:
ny intelligent person knows that shortcuts are taken and many of the animals providing eggs and meat and milk live in miserable conditions and die horribly. I just don't want to be a part of that anymore.

say something new..tell us a new reason. Every veggie say this phrase, and nothing is so boring.

Not at all, this isn't boring.

If I found out that the animals I eat were raise in horrible conditions I wouldn't eat that brand, or at that place etc.

Like they said, there are ways to humanely raise and kill the animals. I'd like to think the meat I ate had a good life. And that the chickens who lay my eggs, cause move around.
Posted: 2009-11-09 12:59:08
krunchie frog
ORIGINAL: bunny7541

ORIGINAL: kleinheidelberg

So in my opinion, people who are veggies but eat meat when they're invited in ordner not to be impolite aren't real veggies as well!

Yea, but i am not very strict vegetarian, it is honestly only because i dont like the taste of meat and no other reason...
So i am not going to turn something down somebody has cooked me just because "I dont like it".. that why..
99.9% i dont eat meat..
SO i guess i am a meat eater who dosnt eat meat..

Is like me not eating onions. but if I go to a dinner party and there's onions in the food, I do my best to eat them.
Posted: 2009-11-09 13:01:29
ops) russian animals live in normal condotions.. in fact-some people have worst conditions of life.
1)can you tell me about some good vegetable or fruit which include such count of proteins as meat? and this grass must be reasonable priced
2)as for me, I can eat one meat rissole and i feel satiety. How many potatoes for ex. i need to feel the same? I mean-with meat you will feel satiety faster.
3)every doctor will tell you, that child needs meat, because it useful for muscles, brains and etc.
It is normal to like vegetables and fruits and meat too. Every nutritionist will tell you that diet must be balanced by fruits, meat, vegetables...
Posted: 2009-11-09 17:42:11
krunchie frog
Well I'm not trying to convince vegetarians that eating meat is better or anything. No veggies on here have preached to convert us meat eaters, so I'm not going to say that eating meat is better or anything like that.

All my thing was was the people who eat meat and call themselves vegetarian thing.

I'm pretty sure not all Russian animals are free range and treated humanely. For example, do you have fast food restaurants there? Those animals won't be the best cared for.

Anyway like I say, I'm not going to say one or the other is better eating meat-wise. What people eat is up to them. I don't expect to be preached to so I'm not going to do the same.

Am interested to find that a lot of the people who are vegetarian here seem to do so more out of taste than moral preachy reasons. I'm sure the not killing animals is a bonus.
Posted: 2009-11-09 18:49:48
ORIGINAL: krunchie frog

Is like me not eating onions. but if I go to a dinner party and there's onions in the food, I do my best to eat them.

Exactly :)
Posted: 2009-11-10 00:08:43
I'm pretty sure not all Russian animals are free range and treated humanely. For example, do you have fast food restaurants there? Those animals won't be the best cared for.

of corse we have fast food ("Chicken" for example, do you need photo ;)? ). When i eat smth i don't think about this cow's destiny or pesticides within my carrot...
in different discussions with veggies I hear: "we are against killing!" But Human is a killer since his appearance, he is a hunter. I think it is time to find another reason "WHY i desided to be veggie". Meat-eater haven't such argument like "I am not a killer" and when i hear this reason again and again i feel that it is meaningless discussion...
Posted: 2009-11-10 08:15:05
ok, so here's how it works:

if you do not eat meat, you are a vegetarian.
if you do not eat mammals/birds but you do eat fish, you are (as someone else pointed out) a pescetarian.
if you do not eat dairy products, you are a vegan.

but, seriously - if you eat fish you are not a vegetarian. that's cool, y'know, each to their own and all, but you can't get around it by claiming there are "different types" of vegetarian diets. DOES NOT WORK.
Posted: 2009-11-10 09:46:12
ho is ehwhat
I'm Vegetairean for a decade now but yea I eat fish and beef cos they only vegetarians and eat grass and shrimp but I never to eat a dog or cat because they diet is meat
Posted: 2009-11-10 10:59:31
All In London
Welcome guntrip :wave:

Good point well made :)

AIL Staff
Posted: 2009-11-10 11:37:03
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