X Factor

All In London Forum
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Ok so who do you want to win? Who do you want out? And who will be the wildcard choices on this weeks show?

I want Mr No Confidence to win.

There's not really anyone that I really don't like this year but if Gamu gets through I would like her to go. Her shock reaction to not getting through says it all about how much she thinks of herself IMO.

Wildcard choices I would like to see are Diva fever! <3 and Keri for the girls. I can't really remember anyone else!
Posted: 2010-10-05 14:26:29
I've heard of the programme (never seen it, so can't be much help with your questions) but wondered why it was called 'X Factor'. Its such a strange title (although maybe it would make sense to me if ever I see the programme)
Posted: 2010-10-05 14:58:41
X Factor is a unique aspect to someones talent or even personality which makes them stand out to other people. So as The X Factor is a singing/talent competition the title makes sense.

I guess if you don't know what x factor means then yes it would seem an odd title choice.
Posted: 2010-10-05 15:21:54
Thank you, yes the title makes perfect sense based on your explanation.

I must confess, I didn't realise it was a singing/talent competition, I assumed for some reason that it was similar to Krypton Factor, a programme I disliked as a child years ago, and this put me off watching X Factor
Posted: 2010-10-05 15:37:04
I love Cher! Shame she couldn't get through her audition though.

I think Mr No Confidence is called Matt.
Posted: 2010-10-05 17:24:17
All In London
whoo-hooo we're back on form!:party:

Yep, love John Adeyele (sp?) aka guy with the hat and for the first time ever I reckon the Groups have got a good stab at the big-time..

Really don't like Katie Waissel - arrogant, arrogant, arrogant, annoying, annoying, annoying
Posted: 2010-10-05 19:47:21

whoo-hooo we're back on form!:party:

Yep, love John Adeyele (sp?) aka guy with the hat and for the first time ever I reckon the Groups have got a good stab at the big-time..

Really don't like Katie Waissel - arrogant, arrogant, arrogant, annoying, annoying, annoying

Is she the one with the daft eye lashed, god she got up my nose ????
Posted: 2010-10-05 20:25:53
All In London
that's the one...grrrrrr
Posted: 2010-10-06 08:59:04
Aw, I really liked her in the beginning. Nice voice and a great look. I think cheryl was right though when she said people will either love her or hate her, but at least you'd have an opinion of her. I hope the article I read about her in News of the World isn't true...!
Posted: 2010-10-06 13:30:42
ooh that's intriguing... what did it say?
Posted: 2010-10-06 15:27:33
I think it was something about her wrigling out of a record contract in the usa to become a contestant on X factor !!!! that was the alegation any way i think :Omg:
Posted: 2010-10-06 19:55:18
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