last book you read?

All In London Forum
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Just thought id start this thread cause we went a bit off topic onto this one o another thread lol

last book i read was lullaby by Chuck Palaniuk very good like a modern day wtch hunt!

Anyone read the lovely bones by Alice Seabold? there making it into a film should be very interesting to see!
Posted: 2008-10-20 12:06:23
I'm not into books :emb:
I spend too much time with the kids, baking, comping & now on this forum.

My husband reads a lot of books as does his brother.

My husband read Lovely Bones after his brother gave it to him to read.
He said its a good book but was disappointed with the ending.

I have plenty of books.... but they are cooking books :laugh:
Posted: 2008-10-20 12:16:18
you must be a good cook then.

yeah i love reading but its just getting a book to start reading.
Posted: 2008-10-20 12:22:56
Im going through loads of sports books I bought in New York in the summer.

So the last one was called Miracle, about Bobby Allison.
Posted: 2008-10-20 12:37:06

you must be a good cook then.

yeah i love reading but its just getting a book to start reading.

I'm not too bad... i think :laugh:

I make lots of cakes, biscuits, puddings & i make homemade meals with my own pastry, own quiches, fishcakes, chips etc. So it does take up quite a lot of time.
Posted: 2008-10-20 12:51:07
aw i love cakes im making cakes tonight the ones you get in a pack themed i got princess ones and haloween ones for tonight!
Posted: 2008-10-20 12:52:21
krunchie frog
Most books I read are factual books, so I flit between them. Wish I had the capacity to remember the things I read though. I always can't remember a name or a date or something and so can't pretend I'm clever with all these facts I know.

So at the moment I'm reading a book on strange historical facts about London, I started Stephen Fry's book on America (which was released to compliment his TV series), a book on Egyptian mythology and various comics. I just finished reading The Watchmen again. I hope they dont balls that film up.
Posted: 2008-10-20 13:16:54
ORIGINAL: krunchie frog

I just finished reading The Watchmen again. I hope they dont balls that film up.

Why do people read the same book twice?

If you've read it once, don't you know whats happened & whats going to happen in the book?

My husband has read books twice, once i've read a book i've never felt the need to read it again.
Posted: 2008-10-20 13:33:10
krunchie frog
There's stuff you forget and stuff you enjoyed and want to enjoy again. Also the Watchemn is a graphic novel, so I learn something as an artist by looking at the style and artwork, etc.

It's the same as watching a film more than once, really.
Posted: 2008-10-20 13:41:12
Ahh i see.

I have watched the same film more than once but not books.... but then again im not a book person.
Posted: 2008-10-20 13:43:19
My ex had that opinion!

A good book can grip and inspire you again and again. Like a film or anything else in life, just knowing the outcome doesnt mean it loses its wonderfulness!
Posted: 2008-10-20 13:56:06
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