New Kam Tong

Chinese Restaurant in Kingston
New Kam Tong image
No longer at this address

Our records show that New Kam Tong is closed.

20 Eden Street
Kingston Upon Thames
Nearest Station
0.32 miles

User Reviews


Jul 11, 2009

The New Kam Tong is successor to the Kam Tong, which occupied a rickety multi-storey narrow-fronted property in Weston Park more years ago than I care to admit to!

Despite a not very promising exterior, the inside of the restaurant is very nice. Carpeted throughout, the tables are kitted out with linen cloths and napkins. No clatter here, and attentive service from the Chinese waitresses, who seem to ring the changes between a rather severe black waistcoat and trouser uniform to rather charming, floral pattern tops and trousers.

My experience is confined to lunch, when you can choose from the normal menu, a very reasonable lunchtime special menu, or an equally reasonable and extensive list of dim sum. I have ordered from the latter two. On the lunchtime special menu you have a choice of two soups, and of about two dozen main dishes, all served with really exceptional fried rice. You will need to ask for chopsticks if you would like them. The dim sum are of a high standard - I particularly recommend the lotus leaf wraps.

The signs are that the New Kam Tong is somewhat grander in the evening, with tables set with rice bowls and chopsticks as a matter of course.

Definitely somewhere you'll find you are drawn back to!