Value for money wise this is the place to go, they give you large portions of anything and everything, have a buffet table, which gives you the option for a take-out box in a small or large size, which you can chose from any of their 15 or so dishes that are there..... Now although money and portion wise it's excellent, you have to bare in mind one thing: You can't mind eating chicken that feels rubbery, tastes slippery , soft and just overall not very good, same goes for their beef dishes. Prawn toast and sesame toast dishes are very, 'can only eat one or two' as the taste is just not upto standards. Service wise, very friendly and fast too...Overall rating (long term customer - no idea why though sometimes?)
Food: 2/10
Service: 8/10
Value for money: 9/10
Toilets: 4/10
Buffet: 3/10
Recommend to friends? - Value wise, yes... Food wise, HELL NO!
Oriental Way serves the whole spectrum of Oriental cuisine, including Chinese, Japanese, thai, Malaysian and Vietnamese. Choose from the 'eat all you can' buffet or a la carte.