Burglar To Buddha – Breaking + Awakening

Evolve Wellness Centre, 10 Kendrick Mews
Burglar To Buddha – Breaking + Awakening image
Event has ended
This event ended on Thursday 29th of May 2014
Donation based – pay what you can afford

Evolve Wellness Centre, 10 Kendrick Mews

Nearest Tube/Rail Stations
South Kensington 0.14 miles

One man’s transparent tale from a burglar (somebody who is asleep) to a buddha (somebody who is awake).

An evening of motivational transparent story telling.

You are invited to own your story, use it and let it go through forgiveness and awareness. You are not your story.

Simon’s passion is to empower us to break out of the lies which keep us habitually conditioned and living through limited perceptions. Simon shows us through acknowledgement, self-love and forgiveness how embodying the principles of “transparent communication” and practising them will not only serve you but the serves the whole of humanity.

who is it for?

Those who would you like to shift your awareness from:

separation / unconsciousness / fear / loneliness / protection / disease / war and control which make us communicate lies.


connection / conscious awareness / love / ease / growth / unity and surrender which empowers us to communicate transparently.

a note from the speaker:

We are alive in very interesting times of evolution, so much information being shared. So many theories as to what is happening on the planet. We are experiencing financial, economical, ecological, energy and health care crisis along with psychological collapse. Some say we are on a knife-edge of existence and depending on our choices as a collective will determine our continuation or extinction as a species. As the truth continues to emerge systems of society are crumbling. Cultural values need re-evaluating so that the ills of our past do not repeat themselves over and over again. Crisis is a catalyst for change. We are literally writing history in this very moment. We must all take universal responsibility to create new stories.

So the question is “Will you be part of the cure or cause of humanities extinction”? If yes! then this will require stepping into your truth and reprogramming your out dated operating systems and fall in love with your precious unique life.

Tags: Workshops

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