Exploring The Mysteries Of The 4th Chakra – Forrest Yoga Workshop

Evolve Wellness Centre, 10 Kendrick Mews
Exploring The Mysteries Of The 4th Chakra – Forrest Yoga Workshop image
Event has ended
This event ended on Sunday 15th of June 2014
£25 earlybird before 8 June, £30 thereafter

Evolve Wellness Centre, 10 Kendrick Mews

Nearest Tube/Rail Stations
South Kensington 0.14 miles

The 4th chakra is the communication between the physical and spiritual body. It is the heart, the centre connecting the upper and lower chakras, and governing the vitality in our lower lungs, blood, and blood circulation, the skin and the immune system. Through a steady sequence guided by breath we will safely unlock habitual tension in the neck, shoulders, and upper back, to access more feeling in areas of numbness, while creating space, freedom and vitality overall.

Forrest yoga is a dynamic practice built on the pillars of breath, strength, integrity and spirit. The unique sequencing in forrest yoga is brilliant for building strength, stability and flexibility, with a strong focus on breath, generating energy in the core, and unwinding the neck, shoulders and hips. Poses are held longer to give the physical body an opportunity to release on a physical, energetic and emotional level. The sequencing in the forrest yoga practice is designed to suit modern day bodies and is effective for creating healing around physical and emotional injuries. This practice is suitable for all levels and modifications will be offered.

About the teacher:

A certified Forrest Yoga Teacher, Kristi’s classes are strong, grounded and inspiring, based on the four pillars of Forrest Yoga – strength, breath, integrity, and spirit.

Kristi first discovered yoga in her native country of New Zealand. She traveled to Hong Kong and China in 2003 where she explored more deeply the physical, emotional and spiritual practice of yoga. Kristi taught at PURE Yoga in Hong Kong, gathering a rich amount of experience teaching group classes, privates and workshops, while furthering her training with teachers from all over the world.

It is through Forrest Yoga that Kristi found healing, and discovered the true power; and beauty that had unfolded in her own life. She believes in working hard, but working mindfully, and offers modifications for different levels and injuries, sharing compassionate hands on assists.

Tags: Workshops

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