Young Ministers Prophetic Summit

77 Gainsborugh Avenue, Manor Park
 Young Ministers Prophetic Summit image
Event has ended
This event ended on Saturday 28th of June 2014
Free for the first 25

77 Gainsborugh Avenue, Manor Park

Nearest Tube/Rail Stations
East Ham 0.77 miles

Are you in the five fold ministry or do you have questions about it ?
Are you asking questions about your calling ?
Would you like to meet-up with other young and passionate ministers etc… ?
Then this is an event for you…

1. Anyone who is asking questions about their call, office/ function in the body of Christ
2. Anyone who is called to or already functioning in a five fold or non-five-fold office

- Networking young ministers and ministries together for kingdom advantage
- Enhancement of functioning ministry gifts through knowledge, instruction and practice
- Resourcing the body by providing useful information and tools to the ministers
- To grow a community of believers and young ministers organically for mutual edification, benefit accountability and service

Tags: Workshops

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