12 Million Volts

The Space, 269 Westferry Road, London
Event has ended
This event ended on Saturday 5th of August 2017

The Space, 269 Westferry Road, London

Nearest Tube/Rail Stations
Mudchute 0.34 miles

We would like you to close your eyes, now imagine a man…

Award winning theatre company The Outbound Project, in collaboration with Marine Theatre, bring you the story of Nikola Tesla – The worlds smartest man (at least according to Einstein) and greatest inventor (according to us). But there are always at least three sides to every story, one persons side, the other persons side… and the truth

Expect holograms… sort of, pigeons with lasers coming out of their eyes… pretty much and more lighting tricks than we ever thought we would get into one show!

Winners of the Les Enfants Terribles Partnership Award in association with Greenwich Theatre, emerging graduate company with New Diorama Theatre and supported by Arts Council England. The Outbound Project promise to not only tell you the story of one of the worlds most exploited … genius…geniussessess? Genii? … geniuses! But, also to show you the many reasons why we think Tesla is a humanitarian legend, Edison is an overrated thief, and why the American Dream had the potential to be so much more.

Tags: Theatre

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