An original musical love story of one couple's determination to survive after being forced into a Jewish concentration camp, enduring the unimaginable horrors of WW2. Captain Hassler has taken a shine to Lea, unaware of his own admiration from Corporal Plagge. Both trapped by their duties versus moral compass, they attempt to help where they can...but is it enough? Despite the fear and constant threat of death for them all, Lea and Petr find hope in their dreams of a future with one another.
Their resolve, along with the other prisoners we follow, is an inspiring testament to the strength of man and his faith in the afterlife.
If They're Human
The Space
Event has ended
This event ended on Saturday 16th of March 2024
This event ended on Saturday 16th of March 2024
£22, £20
£22, £20
The Space
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