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Launched in 1921, Evans Cycles sell a wide range of bicycles and accessories. They also provide a 'custom fit' service.
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User Reviews
from brixton
Aug 4, 2020
from Clapham
Jan 19, 2019
from clapham common
Feb 17, 2014
from Clapham
Jan 20, 2014
from Clapham North
May 15, 2012
2. The staff don't know what they're talking about
3. They lie about expected repair times
4. Prices are seriously inflated compared to other places
5. Hardly any staff
6. Staff they have don't communicate with each other
I could go on... Bloody awful place
Name: Simon Bromley
Location: Clapham North
from Brixton
May 8, 2012
Name: Henry
Location: Brixton
from South London
Apr 24, 2012
Name: Simon
Location: South London
Dec 27, 2011
Apr 3, 2011
I went to Evans Clapham this weekend. The staff just talk to each other, keep customers waiting and need some serious customer service training! Needless to say, I left and went over the road, to be very pleasantly surprised!
Jun 1, 2010
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