It's A Cracker - Win £20 for your jokes!

All In London Forum
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You know, I just wanted to share my joke, I didn't expect to win. I only entered because I receive the weekly e-mail with the link in it. I expected there to be a lot more entries, but if you log complaints everytime you don't win, or someone from your friendship group doesn't win, I'd guess that's why people don't come back.
Posted: 2010-12-25 19:12:28
Fair point mate, fair point. I suppose we can be a bit "clique".
Posted: 2010-12-25 23:23:46
krunchie frog
Good thing I don't 'log complaints' every time I don't win, cause that's all I'd ever do!! Was expressing that I preferred the older forum competitions that encouraged people to use the forums. There already is a competition section you see.

Well done for winning, anyways!
Posted: 2010-12-26 12:39:44
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