Despite being in the unlikely location of deeply suburban North Finchley, this performing arts centre attracts famous names and critically acclaimed artists. From comedians like David Baddiel to contemporary dancers Rambert2, a reimagining of Puccini's Madam Butterfly to family panto like Cinderella, the venue hosts every kind of performance you can think of. As well as its two stages, the vast building housing Arts Depot has rehearsal studios, spaces for dance lessons, a free children’s playspace, a café and a bar.
Since opening in 2004 it's won awards for its programming, but it also funds community projects such as artist residences (they supported 12 of these in 2018/9), subsidised theatre tickets and hot lunches for socially isolated people aged over 75.
Enjoy performing arts while supporting the community
Arty goodness crammed into one space
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