What do you think Art is?

All In London Forum
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of course i think you should use it saves you doing research!
Posted: 2009-01-19 10:13:59

love it! very good Krunchie Frog! :applause: :thumbsup:

he looks like sylar from heros lol

Hes very good!
Posted: 2009-01-19 10:14:49
Art is anything, and I mean anything, that requires someone to appreciate it. It could be a painting, a dog turd, or synchronised swimming.

It is distinct from other human pursuits, such as sports and athletics, where a specific goal or target can be used to judge between participants.

For example, in football, the best team is the one that scores the most goals; in athletics the highest jumper or the fastest runner.

In art, however, the 'best' means nothing. Either you like it or you dont. But a lot of art is 'showboating', i.e. you are respected by your peers if you have a Damien Hurst piece. This is why most people despise 'modern' art, because it is just people boasting, an unattractive trait.
Posted: 2009-01-19 10:59:43
Quite conservative view should say. Art is not a commerical good to please the customer anymore. Modern art reflects the inner world of the artist. If Damien Hurst decorated a human skull it does not necessarily mean his disrespectful attitude towards the on whom that bone belonged once.

Artists in the past were dependant on those ordered particular painting or sculpture. There were no large network of art agencies and critics in the past. That's why art of the period before last quorter of XIX century has more conventional appearance than modern does.
Posted: 2009-02-11 07:22:39
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